Chaos engineering is the discipline of experimenting on a distributed system, in order to build confidence in the system’s capability to withstand turbulent conditions in production.


Following things should be kept in mind while designing a Chaos Experiment:

1. Pick a Hypothesis Link to heading

This step involves the selection of hypothesis which is required to be tested.

For eg:

  • Verifying that terminating/shutting half of the EC2 instances belonging to Auto-Scaling Group of particular service won’t cause service outage.

2. Identify the metrics to monitor for the experiment Link to heading

This steps discusses about the metrics which will enable you to evaluate the outcome of the experiment.

For eg:

  • Terminating half of the instances in Auto-Scaling group of the service might result in the following scenarios:

    • 25% increase in response latency of the service.

    • 30% increase in CPU utilization of existing machines.

3. Notify the involved Business Units Link to heading

This is an important step which discusses about notifying the Service Business Unit so that all the teams around that service are aware of following:

  • What is that you will be performing on the service?
  • Why are you performing it on the service?
  • When you will be peforming it on the service?

4. Run the experiment Link to heading

This step involves to run the chaos experiment and observe the metrics.

If you’re running the experiment in the production, ability to abort/stop the experiment could help in preventing unnecessary harm if experiment doesn’t execute as per the plan.

5. Analyze the results Link to heading

In this step, you gather the metrics to answer the following question:

  • Was the hypothesis correct?
  • Was the service resilient to the chaos/failure events that were injected/exposed to it?
  • Did anything happen that shouldn’t happen?

6. Automate the process Link to heading

Once you’ve confidence in manually running your chaos experiments, automating the same with scripts and workflow engine can help you run the experiments regularly and automatically.

Famous Chaos Engineering Tools Link to heading

References Link to heading